I'm moving on
I haven't been as faithful at keeping up with the blogging as I have been in the past. I'm hoping to rectify that. But I need a change of scene. So I'm moving here: http://vman1974.wordpress.com/
"Everyone has a quote with their blog. Everyone but me." -VMan
I haven't been as faithful at keeping up with the blogging as I have been in the past. I'm hoping to rectify that. But I need a change of scene. So I'm moving here: http://vman1974.wordpress.com/
It's two for one day.
Sorry for the lag in posts, but I've had some other stuff on my mind.
I finished recording the drums for my demos project with Eric about a week and a half back. Mostly. We missed one song, but I'm not going to do another drums session for just one tune. I've returned all the gear I've been borrowing to the people I've been borrowing it from. What I may do for that one tune, if I really want to get it done, is possibly try and put together a drum machine track for it. Brian recently got a drum machine that I may ask if I can borrow. Either that, or I could just move forward with the original version I recorded with the drum loops. However, we (me and Eric) discovered when messing around with the song, that the main guitar riff is entirely ahead of the beat, so it wouldn't sync up with the drum loop as well as it might with something specifically built for it.
Today was a recording day for me---guitars, specifically---and one that I had been sort of putting off. Well, maybe not so much "putting off", but I intentionally held this particular song I was going to record until such time as I had no other songs I could record. It's not because the song itself is particularly hard, in fact it's one of the simpler ones rhythm guitar-wise. But I held off because this is the song out of all the demos that has the guitar solo I like the most. In fact, it's one of my favorite solos I've ever written, period. And I hadn't played it probably since the first time I recorded it. Basically I held off on this one until the end because I thought it was going to take me a long time to:
I did some mixing on C'Mon tonight, more than I was expecting. My plan for the evening was to sit down and dry some specific drum mixing that I read about in an article, called NY Style mixing. The short version is that it is supposed to beef up the drum sound by creating essentially a second drum track that gets super compressed. That second track is then mixed with the first to beef up the sound of the drums while at the same time keeping the original tone of the drums.
In lieu of being able to get any actual writing done last night, I decided to go with a little stream of consciousness exercise. I created a document I'll be calling "Musings" and I will add to it, blog style, just whatever happens to be on my mind at the time.
The worst part about partaking in any creative pursuit is the demon known as writer's block. For me, there's no worse feeling than sitting there, staring blankly at my guitar, or in my case tonight a Word document, and...nothing.