I'm Not Smooth
Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines "smooth" as: excessively and often artfully suave
It defines awkward as: lacking dexterity or skill AND lacking ease or grace AND lacking social grace and assurance
That sounds more like me.
Saturday was Kevin's annual pub crawl, and despite the pouring rain and gale force winds that made the walk down Hancock Street a tad bit miserable, it appears that a good time was had by most. Although, I guess I can't really prove that statement since there were probably at least a hundred people there this year, and I didn't even meet a majority of them. There were so many people that they were split up into groups and staggered into 30 minute intervals at the bars. At the very beginning myself and some others ceded from this grouping and formed Team 1.5, which consisted of myself, Fil, Evan, his girlfriend who's name I can't remember, Sioux, and some of her friends (also who's names I can't remember.) We picked up members along the way, like Andy, Eric and Christine, and a few others. That was us, Team 1.5.
Anyway, to the crux of this story. I've known Sioux for a while. She's a friend of Kevin's and would hang out occasionally. Always seemed really cool, pretty cute, and hell, she earned my belching merit badge during the crawl, so what's not to like. We always seemed to get along pretty well, so I think to myself, "hey I should try and get her number today and see what happens." So we're going through the crawl and there doesn't seem to be any moment that would lead naturally to it, and before you know it we're at the last bar. And since we're at the last bar, and the night's winding down, I think, "Well, might as well just do it." So I'm mustering up some courage. You'd think this would be easy after 18 Coronas and a shot of something or other, but no, even then for me it's really not. So I'm mustering...and mustering...and I'm muster--aww, crap, she just left.
Story's not done yet, though.
I leave shortly afterwards and go home. And I'm thinking to myself, "You know, I could wait until the next time I see her and say something then, but on average that's like once or twice a year." So I decide that when I get home I'm going to send her an email. I can get her address from the fantasy football league we're both in. I realize very well that this is probably going to come across as "Mr. Drunk Email Guy" but I don't care. I really feel like I want to say something, and given our history I don't particularly want to wait until the far side of winter. So I get home, type up something short, ("Hey, I think you're really cool, we should hang out sometime.") throw in a little witty, check carefully for fumble-fingered typos, and send it off before I can second-guess myself. There, damage done. Nothing I can do about it now, so I might as well go to sleep.
(This is pretty much what I mean about being not smooth, if you were wondering. There are really much better ways of going about this type of thing. I was hoping however that maybe I could claim to have an endearingly awkward thing going on, because I'm all about sugarcoating.)
Sunday was a day for recuperating, eating way too much good food (courtesy of Laura's parent for her birthday), and worrying. How will the email be received, perceived? What will the response be? If I can detour here for a second: Is it silly that either possible answer---"Sure, let's do it." or "Nope, not interested."--- made me nervous? The second because that's not the answer I want, and the first because...well, then I have to back it up. I have to, if you'll pardon the lingo but it is apt, represent. Each possible answer carried their own specific case of jitters.
Anyway, although this blog has been forming in my mind all yesterday, I was witholding writing it until, you guessed it, I got an answer. I don't want to write a long blog and leave my two readers hanging without a climax. That repsonse came this morning. (Note: I can't check my Yahoo email at my desk at work, but I can log in to Yahoo and see when I have email at least, and who it's from. We have two computers in the caf where you can check your email from thouhg. So I get to work at 8am, and see that she responded, but I can't realistically check it until I go to break at 9:30. That was a long 90 minutes.)
And the conclusion? She'd be interested in hanging out, but she doesn't like me "that way." Ahh, well. Not a happy ending to this story, I'm afraid. There are people that will tell you that the trying is as important as the succeeding. I disagree. While the trying is important, and I'm glad I did in this particular case, succeeding is always better. But I guess it's back to the drawing board, so to speak. Better luck next time and all those wonderful platitudes.