Running diary for Monday, August 22nd.
1:11 am: What the fuck! Sounds like someone's trying to break the land speed record on their rice burner right outside my window.
5:58 am: Ugh. Hi, Pantera.
6:40 am: Ugh. Alarm. Snooze.
6:49 am: Ugh. Alarm. Snooze.
6:58 am: Ugh. Alarm. Guess I'd better get up.
7:03 am: Hm, email from Amazon. Wonder what that could be (sarcasm). Yep, refunded payment for 2nd LCD HD TV. Definitely a scam. Damn! I want a TV! Remember to check credit card statement online later to make sure all my money is where it should be.
7:04 am: Email from seller of second scam LCD TV. What do you mean you don't accept credit cards? No, I most certainly do not want to re-order. What the fuck is wrong with your grammar anyway?
7:12 am: Getting in the car. Why is everything that was in my glove compartment now on my front seat? Hm....yeah....OK. Someone broke into my car. Yep. Let's see. What's missing? CDs...nope they're here. Boxes of tapes? Still here. Stuff from glove compartment? Here. Speedpass? Here. Bitchin' shades? Here. Allison's lucky dollar? Surprisingly here. Did they really break into my car and not take anything? Oh wait....they stole $2 worth of quarters. Jackasses.
7:15 am: I can't believe it. Not even two months in Medford and my car is broken into.
7:22 am: Damn, I want that TV.
7:27 am: I mean, really. My car was parked right outside my window. And the window was open. You'd think I might have heard something. Guess I'd better start using my alarm.
7:30 am: You know what would have been cool? If I had woken up to hear or see someone breaking into my car. Then I could have yelled something cool I know: "Hey, fucko! Get away from my car! I'm going to be down there in 30 seconds and if you're still there I'm going to polish the asphalt with your face!"
7:37 am: Maybe I should stop by Best Buy after work and see how much LCD HD TVs are going for there.
7:41 am: Or what have been REALLY cool. What if I had just happened to be outside when they were breaking into the car. With a baseball bat. How funny would that be? They'd be all rifling through my stuff, and next thing you know: WHAM! Baseball bat to the back of the knees. I could do some cold shit then! Be like: "Tell you what. Why don't you give me YOUR money, asshole!"
7:45 am: I knew it. I knew this would happen. I'm obsessed about the TV now. Wonder how much I could get for my Sony HD. It's too bad there's no place in the apartment that monster will fit. Could I get enough to pay off, or mostly pay off a comparably sized LCD? Remember to check CNET when you get to work. Start researching.
7:52 am: Wonderful I'm at work. Yeah, it's Monday.
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