Saturday, May 20, 2006

Travelblog: The Final Chapter

People at airports are funny. And not just because at least half of them are still reading Dan Brown novels. I'm sitting in the Philly airport right now. It's about 50 minutes until my plane takes off. Which means at least 30 until it boards. And people are linignup already to get seats. It's the Southwest "first come, first serve" policy. What a silly looking bunch of jackasses. Relax. Are you really that impatient to sit your oversized asses into uncomfortable undersized airplane seats?

Anyway, I'm almost home. A few more hours. The down south portion of my trip was relatively uneventful. The christening went well. Christening is also a pretty funny word, I realized. Is that like a verb form of Christ? What are you doing? Oh, I'm just christening.

Spent a few days with at my sister's place, basically just getting beat up by me nephews. That's the new game they like to play: beat up uncle Chris. For the most part it's not so bad, as it involves heavy use of pillows. However, Michael does have some deadly fingernails, and getting your neck stepped on repeatedly is not particularly theraputic. Just a heads up. Also, roughhousing with a nephew who had spent much of the day throwing up is a cause for some concern. But apparently, much to my and my clothes' relief, he was feeling better.

Because I'm sitting near the gate, I am now entirely surrounded by the waiting lines. Hahahahahahaha! Fools. Stand and wait, whil I sit comfortably listening to Thin Lizzy. The best part is that when they do start boarding and I have to stand up, I'll be cutting half these people by deafult.


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