Thursday, September 07, 2006

Say goodbye to Sundays

It begins tonight.

You know what I'm talking about.

Oh, yes. Yes you do.

Football season.

17 Sunday killing weeks that take us from fall to winter.

4 separate fantasy teams. (3 regular, 1 salary cap league.)

A permanent indentation on my couch in the shape of my ass.

I'd like to welcome my laptop to the party this year. Now I can check my fantasy teams without all that pesky walking to my room. That should add about 15 extra sedentary pounds right there.

I remember when I used to be mad that people wanted to stay in on Sunday and watch the Patriots. Because I wanted to go out and do stuff. No more. The only stuff I'll be going out to do on Sundays is potentially go watch the games somewhere else.

Also, my alarm will now be set on Sundays for 11am. Sunday Countdown starts then.

Beer, meat, chips.

Bonnie Bernstein.

Hank Williams, Jr.

Are you ready for some football?


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