Thursday, March 15, 2007

Where do we go now?

Of course the big news here at the 'B has been that we're moving. The entire stretch of University Ave. that we're on has been bought by a development compnay (Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes) and is being transformed into a hotel/shop/restaraunt center. They've bought up all the land from the highway down to (I think) the set of lights. They've bought out all the companies along that stretch, including us. And we have until January 1, 2008 to split.

We've known this for some time now. A year, maybe even two. And of course, the big speculation is where will we be moving to? And the answer...we don't know. Well, by "we" I mean us plebian workers at the peon level. Several "deadlines" where we were supposed to be informed of our new home have come and gone, including the latest one yesterday. I can understand on one level. The rumor mill around the building has it that a new late contender entered the ring just recently and because of that we needed to check it out. But by the same token, that same rumor mill has been working overtime, and rightfully so. Even with no concrete information, people are going to talk. This is a big deal.

My concern is that moving an entire business, including people and infrastructure is a huge undertaking, and MIB has a histroy of not being the quickest of companies. And the longer it takes to make a decision, the longer it is until we can start preparing. That same rumor mill has us moving anywhere between September and the end of the year, and every day is one day closer to that. And the closer we get without a decision of where we're going to be, the larger I imagine the clusterfuck is going to be when we do actually move. Because that January 1, 2008 deadline for us to be out, as far as I know, is a hard one. No leeway there. I could be wrong about that, but it's what we've been led to understand.

As for me, I just want to know where we're going to be. Some of the options I've heard mentioned might actually make my commute easier. But I just want to know where my new desk will be, and will I be sharing it with someone, and will there be a cafeteria, and will our current cook get to work there? Important questions. Oh, and if I could find out the exact week we'd be moving, can I get that week off for vacation? Because I can't imagine it going smoothly.

UPDATE: It's later in the afternoon from when I first posted. We've gotten an update. Our new deadline is now mid-April, as we are currently in the "negotiaton" phase. What we know is that we will not be having a new building constructed for us by Cabot, Cabot, and Forbes here at our current location. (This was an option offered by C,C,&F when they unveiled their plans for the area.) This however, is not really news, as we've known that for a long time. More that's just a bone thrown to us so it feels like we're actually getting information. One other thing that we've learned is that we will be in a multi-tenant building somewhere. This means that when we move apparently our cafeteria and maintenance staffs will be out of a job. But it also raises new and important questions, like: Since the 'B is what I'd call "hottie deficient", will other companies in this as yet to be decided new builing contribute in raising the eye candy quotient? Important stuff.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man, there is no cafeteria in the US that can match the 'caf at the 'B. Bad food at twice the price, bro. Prepare to deploy the brown bag and the bologna sandwiches.


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