Old Routine, New Routine...
So, price of gas being what it is, I called upon my mathematical genius to deduce that it would be cheaper for me to shell out $118 for a Zone 2 commuter rail T pass for the month of September than to continue to drive to work, filling up the car approximately every 5 days. According to an article read on the internet, my gas tank size is 14.7 gallons. At the time I decided to buy the T pass, gas was at $3.29 a gallon at the closest station to me. So to fill it up would cost approximately $45 a shot. $48.36 if you want to be specific and if you want to coast up to the pump at the exact moment that the last drop of fuel is used, leaving the tank bone dry. But I don't live in Florida, so I don't want to do that.
So, to continue with the equations. To fill up every 5 days, at 30 days in a month, means filling the tank 6 times a month. Yep, kiddies, that's $270.
Now, even allowing for the facts that the 5 day time frame could stretch here or there, depending on where else I drive, or the fact that I don't always wait for the gas light to come on before refilling, and the actual number is probably still less than $270, obviously, the $118 T pass is still the way to go. At least for now.
So, let's examine my old routine for work, and my new one. Let's see how this affect Chris on a daily basis.
Old Routine:
Wake up to the soothing sounds of the alarm at 6:40am. Couple of hits on the snooze bar and roll out of bed around 7am. Few houshold things....feed cats (if necessary), morning bathroom ritual, check email, get CDs and book, and I'm out the door. Oh yeah, I also get dressed before I'm out the door, just in case you were wondering. Usually in my car and going between 7:10 and 7:15. Driving to work at a steady 55 to 60 MPH ( a trick I picked up over the past couple of weeks, as it saves gas to stay at that speed than to drive at the usual faster speeds I like to employ), I arrive at work usually between 7:50 and 8am. Enough time to get a drink from the caf and make it to my desk. I then "work" for 8 hours, which include answering phones, heroically solving problems for the common man, and writing blogs. Leaving work at 4pm, I arrive back at my Medford apartment usually between 4:45 and 5pm, depending on traffic.
In total a work day, including commute, of approxiamtely 9 and 1/2 to 10 hours.
New Routine (for the past 3 days):
Awake to the soothing sounds of the alarm at 6:30am, and hop out of bed by the 6:33 WBZ traffic on the 3s. Hop up, dress, bathroom stuff, feed cats, gather daily things, out the door by 6:40 - 6:45am. Walk one mile to Davis T station, about 15 minutes. Hop on the red line to South Station, approximately 20 minutes. Then the commuter rail for a 17 minute ride to Route 128 station, followed by a 7-8 minute, half mile walk to work. I then "work" for 8 hours. 1/2 mile walk to station. Catch the 4:48pm commuter rail to South Station. Back on the red line (much more crowded now) to Davis. And then the mile walk back to 28 Princeton St., #2 in Medford, Massachussetts, 02155. So far I've been arriving home around 6pm.
In total a work day, including commute, of approximately 11 hours.
How does this affect me?
Well obviously, I'm away from home longer, doing work and work related activities. This is not good for the peace of mind.
Also, now, first thing in the morning, before anything else---eating, having a glass of water, whatever---I now exercise. I walk a mile and a half. (Granted, split up by about 45 minutes of sitting, but a mile and a half anyway.) Now the pros of this is of course the exercise. 3 miles of walking a day ain't half bad. The cons? Well, when your body's not used to doing this sort of exercise it takes some getting used to. I'd guess maybe a week or so. But for now, my legs (hip especially), back and shoulders (from carrying my bag), and head (from coordinating all this) are all like, "Dude, what the fuck?!?"
Another pro, lot's of pretty girls on the train, and on the walk. Another con, I'm still ugly.
Another pro, I get more reading done. Another con, it's that quality type of reading (especially in the morning) when you have to tackle every sentence twice because your eyes were closing halfway through the first time.
So, so far, after only 3 days (not the best sample size, I know) it's been a mixed bag. After only three days, I'm partly alraedy sick of it, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I'm not used to it yet. I just have to keep telling myself, "I'm saving money. I'm saving money. I'm saving money."
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