Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stuff n' stuff

The second half of yesterday was good. THe first half was full of work suckiness, but the second half was good because:

1) I got my passport finally. Now, where to go? I'm sort of backing off my plans for Italy this year, I think, because I was talking to my folks and they're planning on going next year. And they're thinking, (at least at this point), on renting an apartment in Rome for a few weeks, and I'm thinking that getting in on that might end up being less expensive than shelling out for a hotel room concievably by myslef. Not that I'd stay in Rome the whole time, but it would make a good "home" base from which to eat my way across the country. Also, Italy is an expensive trip. More so than other Europe destinations. So more time to save up and do it right would be nice.

So this changes my vacation plans for the year now. This Seattle/upper northwest thing that both Bill and Paul have both brought up a couple of months back can once again be considered. But there is other Europe to see, and a London or Prague or Spain or Amsterdam in October(ish) is also on my mind.

Of course there's always the roadtrip stanby of Montreal, as well. It's not a right year if I ahven't gone up there at least once for a weekend.

I really need more money, and speaking of which...

2) I sold my little LCD HDTV I had in my bedroom. I bought it originally when I moved to Medford and didn't think I'd have my big 32" HDTV available. Well, the 32" made it there a month or so after I moved. And I barely use the TV in my room. So I sold it. Made a good $350 on it, too. The question is now what to do with it. It's going to one of three things, it's just a matter of deciding what. Either a pair of monitors for recording, a new I/O for recording, or a new acoustic (if I can find one I like in the $500-$700 range. I hear Alvarez is good for the money, and there's a jumbo in that range that I think looks cool, but I've yet to try one. Unfortunately I don't have the cash to drop $2000 on a top of the line Taylor or Gibson or Martin.)

So, right now the top of the desire list is the guitar, but the top of the practicality list is the monitors. I need the monitors to be able to start recording with my laptop. I'd like the I/O to start recording better, but I NEED the monitors, as the speakers in the laptop are definitely not good for that type of thing. The speakers on the tower aren't great, but at least they're serviceable. Anyway, I'll start shopping around soon. I'm also going to be selling a guitar pickup I'm not using, so hopefully I can add another few bucks to my spending power.

3)A small thing, but my gym membership expired yesterday. I guess it's been two years, and you can definitely tell the difference as I'm in peak physical shape now......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, man, that's a good one. But anyway, the good news, is that in renewing my fee per month goes down by $10. So there's a little savings there.

However, they have the most inefficient method of renewing a memebership. They take your credit card info again, they make you fill out another form, and they take your card and mail you a new one? OK, you already have my credit card info, since you bill me there. I can understand the form part, because it is signing a contract. But taking the card and issuing a new one? Huh? Isn't that kind of wasteful? Think of all the lamination plants and animals that are needlessly dying every year in gym membership cards alone if that's the case.


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