Stuff N' Things
I'm not a morning person. Anyone who knows me knows that. Late morning person, maybe, if it came down to it.
I do wish, however, I was one of those people that could wake right up and get out of bed with no problems when the alarm goes off. It would make my life so much easier, considering that out of a 7 day week I only get to sleep in for two of those days typically, and the other 5 I'm up much earlier than I'd prefer.
And when that alarm goes off at 6:32....and then again at 6:41....and again at 6:50....then once more at 6:58 and I finally can't ignore it anymore or, in good conscience hit the snooze bar any more, it's just hard. Damn hard. You know those heavy lead aprons they put on you at the dentist when they're taking X-rays? It feels like my blankets are made of those. I can't get them off without a fight. And fighting is probably the last thing you want to do when you wake up.
You know it's an interesting day when you get to use the "Diplomatic immunity!" line from Lethal Weapon 2 to illustrate a point to your boss.
Why do some girls wear perfume to the gym? Do they think it smells great when mixed with sweat? It really doesn't.
So, now that my passport is in the works, I have to decide where to go. And when. I probably shouldn't even be thinking about this until after my Austin trip, but whatever. Not surprisingly it will probably come down to what I can afford. Given a choice, I'd like to take three months, the entire summer, and just bum around Europe. But that's not feasible of course. Not unless lottery winnings are in my future.
My short list of places I'm interested in going currently reads: Italy (all over), Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam, London, Greece, and Prague. What I'm thinking right now, if I can make it work, is maybe taking two weeks later in the year and visit a couple of places. Try out that European rail system that's all the rage, or perhaps the cheapo European airlines that shuttle you from country to country. Hell, though I could spend the entire two weeks in Italy and still probably not see everything I want to.
But we'll see. I'll just keep monitoring airfares and such and see what is affordable, or becomes affordable. If I do shoot for maybe a September or October vacation, it will be the longest in advance I've planned one, and hopefully I can certain aspects of it paid off before I even go.
Of course if you know me, you know I change potential vacation plans like underwear. So here's to hoping this actually happens.
I always thought Prague would be a great place to see, considering even Hitler refused to bomb it because of the beautiful old building there.
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