Thursday, March 16, 2006

What a jackass, part 2

I'm not a particularly political person. Hell, the first time I ever voted in an election was in 2004, and although I knew it was futile, I wanted the right to be able to complain about Bush for four years and at least feel righteous about it beacuse I didn't vote for him.

And for those who did: I hope you enjoy what you've done, electing a man who is not only is probably too stupid to tie his shoes without help, but pigheadedly stubborn in that stupidity. Stupid AND stubborn? Not a good combination.

Speaking of combinations, this current bout of frustration in the leadership of our country springs from the combination of a couple of things I read this morning.

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Thursday Iran may pose the greatest challenge to the United States and diplomacy to thwart the Islamic nation's nuclear program must prevail to avoid confrontation.

In a 49-page national security report, the president reaffirmed the strike-first, or pre-emptive policy he first outlined in 2002. Diplomacy is the U.S. preference in halting the spread of nuclear and other heinous weapons, Bush said.

"If necessary, however, under long-standing principles of self-defense, we do not rule out the use of force before attacks occur — even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack," Bush wrote.

"When the consequences of an attack with weapons of mass destruction are potentially so devastating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialize. ... The place of pre-emption in our national security strategy remains the same."

So basically he's advocating attacking a country that's done nothing? That maybe possibly someday might do something? And once again he trots one of the two pillars of his tenure in office: "weapons of mass destruction". (The other being the "war on terror, the most useless war since the "war on drugs".) Haven't we already invaded one sovereign nation under the false pretenses of weapons of mass destruction. Now, I'm not saying Iraq wasn't a mass of trouble that maybe needed a little fixing, but to lie to a country, and in fact the world, about your reason for doing it is bad form in my opinion. And I believe it was a lie, I believe at the time we knew there weren't any. I find it hard to believe that the country with probably the largest and most widespread intelligence network fucked that one up so bad. "We are invading Iraq because of their weapons of mass destruction.....


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