Wednesday, April 26, 2006

6 minute blog

I have 6 minutes before I go to lunch and I'm hovering on that edge of boredom. That far edge of boredom that is one step away from wanting to be unconscious just to relieve it.

So, I'm go to type 6 minutes worth of pointless blog, just to kill the time.

"Kill the time?" What a weird phrase. You're not "passing the time", you're killing it. Seems like a rather violent way to do anything to time. Either way, you're finding a way to waste it, spend it, make use of it. But really, what has time ever done to me that I feel so violent towards it? Nothing, really, except make me older.

Which, I guess is bad enough. Aside from hitting legal drinking age is there really any age landmarks that are so impotrant that you can't wait to get to them? The ability to rent a car at a reduced rate at 25 is nice, but I wouldn't say I looked forward to it. Retirement? Sure, that'll be great, but then I'll be old.

It's like when people ask if you had the chance to go back and do it all over, would you? I give an unequivocal "Yes!" reply to that question. No matter the stipulations. Knowing what I know now. If I couldn't change a thing. Either way, definitely yes. Hell the problems of 21 aren't much different than the problems of 31. Both seem huge at the time, and relatively miniscule in the rear view mirror. The only difference is that at 21 I didn't feel as old as 31. And that counts for a lot.

Time's up. Lunch!


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