Friday, June 09, 2006

Just checking in

Got home last night after work to find that my computer had been KO'd by a massive spyware infection. I'm not sure how. Googling the error message that came along with it, it seemed that it had to do with some sort of incomplete install, but I haven't tried to install anything in a while, so that doesn't make sense. Also, my browser home page has been taken over and I can't reset it. The great thing, and awonderful new trick of these malware designers is that they direct you to a page that says you have spyware and to "Click here" to scan for and remove it.

Don't believe that hype, kiddies.

Anyway, Ad Aware, which usually kicks ass all over spyware couldn't remove it. I tried a number of times. Yahoo Antispy couldn't remove it. I tried a system restore to get rid of it and wasn't allowed to. This thing's kung-fu is strong.

At any rate, aside from being incredibly annoying with numerous error messages and antispy warning pop-ups, everything seemed to still work, so I stopped working on it for a while. I figured maybe it was a new piece of malware and maybe Ad Aware didn't have the fix for it yet. I decided to wait a day to update my Ad Aware and see if it helped.


Later I go out, over to the Middle East for a few drinks with Krista. And when I get home, all of a sudden I can't get to the internet. Now, to be fair, I don't know if this is related to the spyware, because my laptop (which is not infected) couldn't get there either, and neither could my roomate's computer. So that might just be a router issue. But if so, it lasted to this morning, because when I woke up the internet was still unavailable.

So, I had Brian download me the new antispy tools I need (Spybot and HackThis) put them on a disk. I'm going to grab them on the way home and round two goes tonight.

I am resigned to the fact that if this doesn't work that I might have to reinstall my operating system, which would suck because it would involve a good amount of backing up to disk beforehand, and finding all the necessary reinstall disks for my software, which are in a pile in my messiest drawer.

So, I saw The Proposition last weekend. The Proposition is a cowboy movie set in Australia that seems to be garnering a lot of hype simply based upon two facts. 1) It's very good, and 2) It's written by Nick Cave (the musician who is best known from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds). Let's address these two facts, starting with the second.

2) OK, whatever.

1) It is good. Very good, actually. From what I've seen of westerns, it's ahrd to convey depth of character in a cowboy, since they're usually quiet types of individuals. Nevertheless, there was good depth and moral ambiguity to at least two of the main characters. A third character, who was not exactly a main character but the reason for the story, could have used a bit more, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

The story revolves around two brothers who, known for running with a vicious gang led by a third brother, are captured. The sherriff offers a deal to one of the brothers. He has 9 days to find and kill his older brother (the one not captured). If he does this then he and his younger brother go free. If not, his younger brother hangs.

Good moral dilemna, especially since the older brother (the 3rd character) is supposedly the "evil" mastermind of the gang. I was a little grey on his true nature, but that seemed to be the intent.

A lot of the action, (more than I was expecting, in fact), also takes place with the sherriff, his wife, and the townspeople and the captured younger brother. It added a nice depth of story.

There was one point, an important point, that impels the action that carries us to the end of the movie that made no sense to me. It was a "Why are they doing this?" moment. Now, granted I missed a bit of the conversation immediately preceeding it, because the accents were thick. But it was the one point that had me wondering if I missed something or if was just not as well done. Either way, once I reconciled that a certain action was happening even though I didn't know why, the film jumped back on track.

I realize that all sounds vague, but I'm trying not to give anything away. At any rate, a very good film. Definitely worth seeing.
I get to listen to music at work. A big plus. When I'm not on the phone, I usually have something playing. And I find that on Friday's when it's slow, (and my next door cubicle neighbor isn't in) the volume keeps getting louder and louder. Sort of like ramping up into the coming weekend. Especially if I have something rocking going on. Like today, with the new Damone CD. Which I found I liked quite a bit better than I was expecting and really have any right to.

Anyway, that's it from here. One hour to go until I'm out. Battling the computer, food shopping, grill accessory shopping, rehearsals, Matt and Fil at the Mystic tonight and tomorrow, and late sleeping all await.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger Eric O. said...

Hey Bro.

I saw The Proposition last week based on your recommendation and it really was a good movie. Man, it was pretty raw but that leant well to the story telling. I especially like Ray Winstone, of whom I've been a fan since I saw Sexy Beast.

I'm curious which part you were confused about. Drop me an email.


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