Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Four months later....

It's good to have a goal; it's better when you meet it.

On June 7th, I posted in a blog that I was going to try saving some money into my savings account for potential moving/short term living expenses if I ever decide to vacate the New England area. Now my goal wasn't nearly as much as would be recommended for this type of endeavor, but it was a damn sight better than what I had saved at the time I decided to do this. Anyway, as of approximately October 13th if my math is correct, (which it probably isn't), I should reach my goal amount.

The main reason I had wanted to do this was to remove "I don't have the money" as an excuse for someday possibly skipping town. However, oddly enough, now that I'm close to my goal, I'm actually in one of those periods where I don't feel the pressing need to be elsewhere. Oh, I still think I want to, but it's just not as urgent a desire as it sometimes is. This is usual for me though, as I tend to be manic about this subject. However, it is also beneficial, because with every paycheck, an extra $50 is automatically deducted into that account, so it will still continue to go up, even if not at the quicker rate it was over the summer.

Actually, I sort of like the place I'm at now. While I am still very interested with checking out the living somewhere else, I'm not currently obsessed with it, which if it stays this way, gives me more time to save and research. I've been everywhere on my list of considerations except Portland, but still would need to do a lot of research on any serious contenders.

And, to be honest, staying in Boston has creeped back in to my head as one of those contenders. It goes back to a conversation I was having with Andrew and Eric recently about one of the difficulties of moving anywhere is giving up the roots you've laid where you are. And I've got 31 years worth here. That would be hard to give up. But these are thoughts for later...

Once I hit my goal, it will be time to once again rearrange what I'm doing with my money. I could continue to save, but at that point I might be better served by trying to whittle back down my credit card bills, which have creeped up in that span so I'm probably going to go back to that.

However, one thing I have realized in my recent years of attempting to be somewhat financially responsible is that it's hard and takes discipline and goes a lot easier if you allow yourself rewards. So, once I meet the goal, I aim to treat myself to something or other. But what, is the question? I do have some ideas:

New sneakers. Gotta love a new pair of kicks.

External hard drive. I need somewhere to keep my music. The main reason I haven't gone utterly crazy with the bit torrent is that I don't have very much space left on my hard drive. I want an external, because that way I can associate my music with more than one computer if I want. Also, this would be the first step in eventually getting a new computer, as this one is getting slowly, but progressively, worse.

A tattoo. I think I actually have an idea I like finally. Only took me many, many years to figure it out.

Some new scotch. I only have less than half one bottle left. That just won't do.

And the biggie... Late winter trip to Europe. I saw some really good round trip fares for between January and March. Of course, if this were the option, I'd have to decide soon, because you have to purchase by the end of September. (Of course, if I miss it, I'm sure there'll be other sales, but it's on my mind now so it bears some thought.)

Of course I'm not going to go wild and get all this stuff, but one (if it's the big one) or a couple if it's the smaller ones will likely happen.

And then it's back on that boring responsibility horse.


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