Good things about work. Wait....what?
Today's been a pretty good work day. I've gotten a free lunch, free cupcake, won a $25 gift card to Barnes and Noble, and got my bonus (which was bigger this year than the past few, for whatever reason.) All courtesy of the 'B.
So, I'm currently not hungry, and I plan to do 90% of my Christmas shopping tonight after work with my most excellent bonus. And since the entirety of my family's gifts can be acquired via Amazon I won't even need to leave the house to do it.
Once I've taken care of that, I'm figuring I might even have a little left over to buy a little something for myself. I do need a new bottle of scotch. And some new sneakers. And socks from Target.
Plus, tomorrow I'm getting my sweet check, since I worked both Thanksgiving and the day after. So for a brief period I won't be feeling poor.
But work has also been good in a strange other way. The past couple of weeks I've been really busy working on a pretty huge issue for MetLife. Yeah, typically "swamped with work" doesn't typically equal a good thing with me. But in this case it is. Because, let me be honest, I've been kicking ass all over this problem, and it's a very fortuitous time of year for me to be doing so because we are in my review period. So, not only have I been kicking ass, but people, including most importantly my boss, have seen me kicking ass. Now, if this translates to anything more than the usual 3% raise they dole out year after year, that remains to be seen. But it certainly is not going to hurt. I know that much.
Nice, you're going to get those socks you've pining over. This is truely a time to rejoice. It's the little things, eh?
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