Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday afternoon

I'm getting antsy. You know? You get past lunch on a Friday afternoon---a Fuji apple, in case you were wondering; sparse, sure, but I had a big breakfast, and besides, these Fuji apples are damn tasty---and it just starts to happen. I've got some happy feet going under the desk. legs bouncing like I'm practicing some double bass. Heart rate's probably a little elevated. I can't really seem to concentrate on aything. We're not taking very many calls right now, we never do on a Friday afternoon, so I'm trying to keep myself occupied: surfing the interent, reading a few pages here and there of my book, writing a blog. But the sonsistently running undercurrent is It's almost the weekend.

Two hours to go. I've already gone through the club listings for tonight to see if anyone good is playing (they're not), and checked my voicemail in the unlikely event that anyone called with some awesome plans for tonight (they didn't). This happens every week at work, even on the occasions where I don't really have much going on over the weekend. Like this weekend. Yet even the thought of going to the supermarket on my way home is mildly exciting right now.

It reminds me of those days of grammar school. Watching the clock tick away those last few minutes before Friday's final bell. That sense of excitement. Sure the teacher's still trying to teach us something, but is anyone really listening? Books are creeping closed, pens and pencils finding their way into their boxes. The tipping point has already been reached, and there's no backing out now. The weekend is coming.

For me, today, it's less than two hours. And much like back in those far gone school days that Monday seems almost an eternity away. Funny how Friday does that to you.


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Bill Elms said...

Hey man if you need something to do tonight I'll be driving my work truck back and forth to CT and unloading a bunch of auto parts! Pretty tempting! :)

At 12:31 PM, Blogger VMan said...

Can I attempt a Mad Max style hijacking?

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Bill Elms said...

Only if I can be Mel Gibson and curse the Jews.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Paul, Dammit! said...

While you were dancing in your chair, were you waving your hands in the air? Perhaps you were doing so like you just didn't care? That would have been cool.


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