Where do we go now?, part 2
I get a call from my landlord on Friday night. She asks me is Sara (my roommate) is home, because she wants to talk to us. Sara's not home, so I call her and figure out when we're both going to be around. Call my landlord back and schedule a time to meet Saturday morning.
Now this all seems rather ominous. She wants to "talk to us", but we don't know why. There is, of course, wild speculation. And it turns out that the first thing that both Sara and I guessed was the correct thing.
She's selling the house.
Now this doesn't mean anything for us now, as the process will likely take a while. And even though she's putting the house up on the market this week, and even if it did sell quickly, it wouldn't legally mean anything to us until the end of July because that's when our lease is for, and no matter what we have the right to stay until then no matter who owns the house.
But obviously there's a lot of uncertainty once we hit that point. If this house isn't sold do we re-up a new lease? Maybe go tenant at will? And if the house is sold, will the new owners want to keep tenants? Will they not? Will they, but at a higher rent? A lot of questions here.
Given a choice I would like to not have to move. I like the apartment, I like my roommate, and I'm really getting a good grasp on where the best take-out places are.
But if it turns out we did have to move, that also raises more questions. Would we try and find a new place together? Would we not? She's been with her boyfriend for a while, maybe they'd want to get a place together. Does that mean I need to find a new roommate? Because let's face it, I can't afford to live on my own yet. Not until the car payments are done, (or if I were to get something like 17 times my current pay.) Especially considering I'd want to stay in the same Medford/Somerville area and it's not the cheapest place I could live. But at the same time, I'm not as into trying to find a place with someone I don't already know. I'd rather have an idea of what I'm getting into first. But my options on that front are slim at best.
So, there's essentially a lot of questions. None of which can be answered right now. And that's just wonderful. This news just put a capper on what was a weird and subtly tense week.
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