I need a sabbatical.
I'm in the middle of one of those feelings where I'm just totally burnt out on work. When I pulled into the parking lot this morning, I just sat in my car for a minute with the engine running, thinking about how I should just drive away. You'd think after just getting back from a week in Vegas I'd be feeling much better, but not so. Probably because I was there on work-related business.
So I'm sitting here at my desk, not motivated to do anything. This is usually the time where I delve into my usual escapes of imagination: where to go on vacation next, perhaps time for a new job, perhaps time to move somewhere, a new direction in life. You've all heard me speak of them before, as well as my reasons for not doing them. But thing is, I've come to realize, is that really the answer? I just don't know.
That's why I need a sabbatical. Take time off from a current life to determine whether a change is needed, or just a reboot with a reinvestment (as it were). But the problem is who can afford a sabbatical? Rent's gotta be paid, bills, and I'm not growing my own food. Life goes on whether you want a time out or not. (As an example, I had to take a break from writing even just this to take a call at work.) It makes it hard to try and figure out what you want to be doing when any number of things you feel you need to be doing just keep coming at you.
Yep, I need a sabbatical.
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