Thursday, April 19, 2007

You all fail

More than anything I feel angry about the horrible incident down at Virginia Tech. Yes, I do feel badly for those that lost their lives and their families and friends, but mostly just all the failures that surround this story make me mad.

The school and the parents of the shooter? You all fail. Apparently the school knew two years ago that this kid was a potential danger to himself and others. So much so that they tried to have him involuntary committed in 2005. When that failed? Nothing. There hasn't been much about the parents in this story, yet. Perhaps they were good parents, perhaps not, but I can't believe they did not know about this situation. And if you did, then what? Why was your son allowed to remain in a situation where he'd already been deemed dangerous? In the world we live in nowadays, we are all too aware of how a situation like that could end up. Unfortunately, just how it did. I'm sure we'll find out more as this story is mined of all possible angles by the media.

Speaking of which, the NBC? You fail. Way to go, publishing this jerkoff's "maifesto". Way to go, giving him any amount of validity or legitimacy by reporting on that crap, reading his words, showing those pictures and videos. Now you will spread a message of potential to any others who could be susceptible to follow in such footsteps. And when the outcry came from VT students today about how allowing this to air, how seeing pictures of this kid pointing guns at a camera, was hurtful to them (and rightly so), you then reported on that story while showing the same pictures in the background? You're a real class act.

And let's not forget Mr. Cho Seung-Hui. You fail the most. You failed at life. You don't die like Jesus Christ; he died for us, not killing us. You die like the prick you were. Unfortunately you may be correct in saying that you'll inspire others. I don't know what the cause is, but it appears that we as a society hurt more these days. Perhaps the way we feel now is the way we've always felt. Perhaps as a society we've "grown up"---and I use that term in the sense that we, as people, as we grow up, don't necessarily always grow moer matrure, but we do become more cognizant of what we feel. Perhaps as a society there is a parallel. Perhaps as a society we've always felt this pain, this disappointment and regret, this anger, but only now realize what it is we feel and act out on it. The problem is is that the acting out more and more comes at the expense of others. What would I say to any that would follow in such footsteps? Actions such as these only end your pain, and don't confuse something that takes away your pain with something that heals it. Morphine can take away the pain of illness, but it does not cure it. For whatever the reason, hurt and sadness seems much more prevelant among us as the years go by, as a new century begins, and actions such as this only perpetuate a cycle where this sad fact can only get worse and worse. For all that you feel slighted, alone, misunderstood, you are not. This is not an exclusive club; in fact the membership appears to be nothing but growing. The brain is not the most logical organ, but with the realization of your pain should be the realization that you are not the only person that feels the way you do. Everything you feel has been felt before. However, the vast majority of us don't try to shoot away our problems. Although I'll never be accused of being the most positive person, while it seems that others can sometimes be responsible for what we feel, it is your own mindset that determines how you you deal with it. To claim, as Mr. Cho does, "you did this to yourself" is disingenuous, in the end we are responsible for our own actions, we are responsible for our own hearts.


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