Tuesday, November 27, 2007


That's what I'm turning at the end of the week. And to tell you the truth, I'm not that cool with it.

30, I was OK with. (I was still in the doorway to the 20s.)

31, I was not. (Doorway slammed shut.)

32 was fine. (Resignation to the early 30s.)

33...not so much. (Beginning of "mid-30s".)

It appears to be an every other year type of thing. And of course it boils down to one simple factor: I don't want to be getting older. Any of those milestones that I now perceive as "getting older" are those that I don't particularly care for. Who does, really? Slower metabolism, aches and pains, settling body. I don't really see an upside.

I suppose you could call it a mid-life crisis, but since I don't have the money to afford a sports car or maintain a young, trophy girlfriend I refuse to use the term.

I suppose getting older doesn't necessarily need to be a bad thing, and I'm sure for a lot of people it's not. But sometimes it feels to me that I didn't actually "leave it all on the field" through my 20s. It's almost like I feel there's some unfinished business of being a "young man" that I have yet to complete. And those are the types of things that start to seem more ridiculous as you get older and still try to do them.

I think maybe that's what's bugging me out a bit.


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