Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I need help

I have a pretty expensive habit.

That's right, I like the nose candy.

Just kidding, I haven't had a nasal decongestant in years.

But really, I like vacationing. Going places. I mean, who doesn't, I'm sure. But I spend way too much time thinking about stuff like that, and how I can make it happen.

For example, just this morning I've considered going to NYC, Austin, L.A., or Montreal at some point in the near future. To the point that I've looked up flights (where applicable), hotel prices, rental car prices (where applicable) for different weekends and time periods this morning. I then realized that I really shouldn't be going anywhere, or plan going anywhere, until I pay off my credit card bills (which aren't huge, but still will probably take me two months to get back to zero.) So then I started looking on Craigslist for cover band gigs and in that weird "Etc." job category where people that need one-off help, like moving, or raking leaves, or painting a room on a Saturday post. I figure, "Yeah, get that extra cash, and then I'm good to go!" I also think, "Hmm, my birthday and Christmas are coming up soon, and both my mom and my sister have asked me for ideas. Maybe they'd chip in and split a plane ticket (where applicable) or a hotel room."

And all this is on top of the fact that I definitely plan to go to somewhere in Europe next year. Don't know where yet, but Italy (Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence), London, Amsterdamn, Greece, Spain (Barcelona or Madrid), Prague, and Paris all sound good. Is there any way I could do all that at once. How much time would I need and how much would it cost? Oh yeah, way too much and way too much. I'll have to narrow the scope of that down, I think. Of course, realistically I wasn't planning on doing it all at once, but that just a symptom of how my mind works when it comes to this kind of stuff, that I started trying to figure out if there could be a way...just maybe.

But that's a glimpse into a typical day for me. Initial frenzy? Check. Research? Check. Mellow out period? Check. Repeat in a few days? Will do.


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