Monday, January 16, 2006

Is it time to go back to sleep yet?

I had a weekend that went like this:

Friday, I went to Reel Bar with Krista and a bunch of her homies to see a band. I really wasn't going for the band because seeing a local metal band holds about as much interest for me as waking up early and going to church. I was mainly going for the homie hang. But I have to say, I was actually pretty impressed with the band. Think Soundgarden at their Badmotofinger heaviest, and then make them a little heavier with vocals that are more Layne Staley than they are Chris Cornell. It was surprisingly pretty good, and very, very loud.

Cast of characters included: Krista, Joe, Benny, Rachel, Brian, Kenny, Rob, Laura (who thankfully explained why I had black-eyed peas in my wallet), Sada (visitng from Portland), Becki, Danielle, and later at the Model Linley, Dave (who I didn't recognize until after he paid for my beer, so technically I was not taking a free beer from a strange man), Ellie, and Joe. I mention this only for the fact that this must have been the largest group of people I actually know that I've ever hung out with at one time (that wasn't at a party or somesuch.) It was really quite impressive actually.

Saturday, I took a break from my usual weekend regiment of doing absolutely nothing. With some help from Matt, I moved a TV from my uncle's house to my nana's apartment. The same TV that a few months before we had moved from my uncle's former apartment (two doors down from my nana) to his then new house. In all this moving it occured to me that television manufacturers should really rethink their TV design. Something that heavy should really not have a hard plastic lattice work on the bottom, because it's not the weight that makes the TV hard to carry but that lattice work underneath biting into your fingers. It's that factor that leads to dropage, I'm convinced.

After moving the TV, we (myself and the aforementioned Matt) did some rehearsing of the making of the rock. And after that, I went over to Fil's for some poker and beer (and scotch, and pizza, and cookies, and Cool Ranch Doritos if you want to be precise). Lost $30 because I suck at gambling. But the silver lining was that the patriots finally lost a playoff game. Thank god.

Sunday, if it's good enough for the Lord to rest, it's good enough for me. More football. Indy lost, cementing themselves as one of the biggest playoff choke teams of this era. And of course, now there's not really anyone left that I really care to root for that much. Maybe the Panthers, I guess. And although I DO like Peyton Manning, way to throw your offensive line under the bus with your post game remarks there, chief!

Later was more rehearsing (we're a machine), and recording of the songs to give to Dan, finally. Then I went home, had a glass of warm milk, went to bed and woke up bright eyed and bushy-tailed for work this morning, with a smile on my face and gladness in my heart.

Or not.

After rehearsal, we went over to Wally's Honestly, I only planned to stay for about an hour. Have a beer or two, head home around midnight, and be only slightly extra tired this morning. However, the best laid plans, etc. I blame the band. They were HOT last night! So I stuck around until about one, had extra beers. I also blame the women. They also were HOT last night! My, my, the clientele at Wally's was impressive last night. I also blame Wally's. It's a small little jazz and blues club on Mass Ave. I've only been there a few times, but those few times have been cool and if Sunday nights are like this, then I may have a new Sunday night hang. It's small ("intimate" would be the lingo), and getting to the bathroom is an honest to God challenge when the club is full, as it was last night. People there have seemed above average on the Boston friendliness curve. There's no cover (at least the few times I've been), and the music has been loud enough to enjoy, but not so loud that you have to scream to be heard over it. Yeah, I think I'll be back.

One thing that wasn't hot last night? The weather. We're talking negative digits wind chill factor. Which prompted this thought: "Why do I live here again?" Followed immediately by this thought: "I can't feel my legs."


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