The best joke
My dad is good with wood. He does a good amount of woodworking, and owns many tools. If he's not doing one of his many projects around the house, or watching a B.C. fotoball game, then it seems like he's usually making something. Wooden Santas, household decorations, etc. For one of my nephews' second birthday he decides to make him a rocking horse. I mean, you've got to see this thing, (and in a moment you will), it's intricate. It takes him nine months of pretty much all his spare time to do. A lot of work went into this thing. It's made entirely of wood and a little bit of brass. Check it:

This is Maximus (actual name.) None of this horse is painted. That's all colored wood, all hand cut and fitted. Like I said, it took him nine months to make this, and you can see why. He said that he hoped nothing ever happened to it because he was never making another one.
He finished up Maximus a couple of months before my nephew's birthday, and the plan was to drive it down to South Carolina when he and my mom went, and then to FL when they went there for Alex's birthday. So, until then many people came over to see Maximus, and my dad even brought it to work and left it in his office for a week or so for people to see. He was awfully proud of Maximus, and rightfully so.
Of course, that got the evil side of my brain working, and a plan began to form. One that made me giggle every time I thought of it. I was giggling a lot, as I was thinking about it a lot. Now all I needed was one thing: for my dad to take a nap. He takes them fairly often enough, especially on the weekends. But it seemed that for this couple of months span he just wasn't taking any. Damn his well rested self! Until, with only about a week or so to go before my folks were leaving to head down south, he did, and I got to put my plan into action.
Which was, simply, this:

Cue theme from the Godfather.
I still laugh every time I see this picture.
Note: No rocking horses were actually harmed in the making of this joke. The head had remained detachable up until that point. My dad had planned to take it off and box it up for the trip south, and then permanantly attach it when he got there.
And that is my favorite practical joke. To date.
That is so bad ass!(The horse and the joke) What was your dad's reaction?
He had a good laugh at it.
That was excellent!
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