Friday, June 16, 2006

7 Songs a Rockin'

I should be mad. In fact, I am mad. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Last night was again iPod DJ night. So after rehearsal I texted Krista to see if she was up for a night of "iPods, beer, and responsible drinking." (And let's just say 2 out of 3 ain't bad.)

Let's get the drama out of the way before my seven tunes.


So, some cocksucker calle my friend Laura a "stupid cunt." This jerk was somehow mad about iPod DJ night because someone (oddly enough Laura again) had picked a playlist that was pretty metal heavy. We're talking AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Hammerfall, Manowar, Van Halen, etc. Actually it was a pretty awesome playlist. But this prick didn't think so. I believe he called it white trash music. He actually complained to the bartender who came over and said something to Rob (the guy running the night.) So Rob went over to talk to the guy who first accused Rob of shortchanging his playlist last week (or actually two weeks ago, since iPod DJ night didn't happen last week.) Which, if you know Rob, wouldn't happen. Then he accused Rob of only playing his friends' iPods, which there might a little truth to, but only because currently, for the most part, it's only his friends that are regularly bringing iPods. Then when Laura, who was unfortunately sitting next to the guy (by way of one empty seat) said that if he made another playlist it would get played, that's when he told her to, if I heard it right "shut up you stupid cunt."

Now I didn't actually find out about this until later. I knew the guy was mad, but the actually insulting I didn't hear until I was told about it after the fact. But that's uncalled for because 1) She's not a stupid cunt. In fact quite the opposite. And 2) How is that any way to speak to someone who's trying to placate a situation? You kiss your mother with that mouth, buddy? I'm pissed enough about the sitatuion now, that had I actually heard this at the time, he would have been kissing the bottom of my boot with that mouth. But, hey, I guess let's cut him a little slack, since he's apprently the kind of loser asshole that goes to the Middle East and drinks alone and complains about the rock music people are playing. In a rock club!!! Way to be unintentionally ironic, jerkass.

Now, I had heard the white trash music comment earlier than the other, and I found myself oddly fascinated by this fucko. To the point that I wanted to go sit down in the empty seat next to him, because I happened to be wearing my John Corabi shirt last night, which is a picture of a confederate flag with the slogan "My Dixie Wrecked." I thought that would have been hilarious because you don't get more white trash than that.

(By the way, I found out what that slogan meant last night. I never knew before. I just thought the shirt looked cool. But my buddy Brian explained it to me. "My Dixie Wrecked." Never mind the spelling, just think of it phonetically. I now think that shirt is about 100 times more awesome.)

Anyway, after Laura it was time for either Krista or me to play our playlist. We debated as such:

Krista: "I don't know, I'm a little afraid to play mine now."

Me: "I'm not. My playlist is wicked white trash. Play this."

We actually ended up going with Krista's but here's my list:

1) Where the Devil Don't Stay - Drive By Truckers. You don't get more white T than the Truckers. This was the last song I put on my playlist. I debated between this and Aces High by Iron Maiden (which will be on a future list) and decided on this because I thought it would be more fitting for the Middle East crowd. Apparently not for one person.

2) Shout at the Devil - Motley Crue. Continuing with the devil theme to start off. What exactly is shouting at the devil anyway? Do you really think it makes Satan mad? Maybe if you call him a stupid cunt.

3) Salt of the Earth - Rolling Stones. I can't really work this song into my ire of the evening. It's just a great tune. Originally I was going to close my playlist with this, but with the songs chosen, it just didn't work out.

4) Suffragette City - David Bowie. Another song picked because I figured it would play well to the crowd. Let's be honest: if I picked a playlist that I was like, "Fuck, yeah!" then it would probably begin with Warrant and end with an empty room. But at any rate, David Bowie's awesome. At least the Ziggy Stardust album is.

5) Indie Queen - Marvelous 3. I tought about making a brit-rock playlist, but the problem with that is that I only have like 3 brit-rock bands in my collection. So it wouldn't work. And the Marvelous 3 aren't even one. But when I first got "Hey! Album" (which everyone should own, by the way), I thought these guys were definitely a brit-rock band. But they're actually from Atlanta. Whoops.

6) Rock and Roll Damnation - AC/DC. Back to the white trash. It's always hard to pick an AC/DC song for my playlist, simply beacuse they have so many great ones. Oddly enough, three people had AC/DC songs on their playlist last night.

7) Viva Las Vegas - Elvis Presley. The king! This one made it on simply by the virtue of the fact that I was listening to my iTunes on shuffle last weekend and it came on, and I thought, "Yeah! Totally on the next playlist!" It would have been a great song to end the night on, but I got played earlier than that.

For next time I'm working on a couple of theme playlists I think. I've got my "Summer" playlist in the works. All songs that have the word "summer" in them. The Door Into Summer. Sumemr of '69. Cruel Summer. Sumemrtime Girls. #1 Summer Jam. There were a couple more but I forget them off the top of my head. But you get the picture. My Acousticovers playlist. People doing acoustic covers of other songs. I still need one or two more tunes for that. And my power metal playlist. Iron Maiden. Helloween. Maybe some Priest. Stuff like that. The real hook being that it will be kicked off by the least power metal tune of all: the theme from the Muppet Show!

Also, I came up last night with the idea of "iPod Russian Roulette". The idea behind this is that everyone has some stuff on their iPod that they like, but they probably wouldn't play in front of anyone else. Guilty pleasures. So, for iPod DJ night everyone has to put their iPod on shuffle for 7 songs and let the chips fall where they may. I think this could yield some interesting results.

In closing, I should get back to work. Everyone go rent Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang if you haven't seen it already. And vote Quimby.


At 8:38 AM, Blogger Bill Elms said...

did you ever find out what amazing ground breaking music the douchebag wanted to play? No matter what the C word should be saved for special occasions.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger VMan said...

Never found out, because he was too indignant to make a playlist.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Paul, Dammit! said...

Kick his ass, sea bass!


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