Where do we go now - update
New news on the selling of our house front. My landlord called last night with more details. Apparently she is going to convert each of the three floors into condos and sell the 1st and 2nd floor separately, and move in to the 3rd floor herself.
Although this still doesn't speak to any definitives as to what will happen to us when the place is sold, it leans a lot further in the direction that I don't want. Which is that we'd probably have to move. According to my landlord, who works in real estate, typically when people buy condo units such as this, it's usually to live in, not to rent out.
On top of the questions about what my roommate will do (see previous blog on matter) I now have to concern myself on what to do. As stated before, I want to stay in the same area. As stated before, I cannot currnelty afford to live alone. As stated before, I would prefer to live with someone I already know. These things greatly narrow my options. To accomplish the first two, I might have to forego the third.
Also, I'd rather not be in a situation where I have more than one roommate. I've done the multiple roommate situation before and don't particularly care for it. Even when you like the people you live with, it can tend to feel crowded.
Man, am I high maintenance or what? So many conditions.
Since I really have no idea when the house is going to be sold, this is still all sorts of speculation. I have nothing solid to go on. But I do need to start preparing, so I can be ready. Which means talking with my roommate to see what she wants to do. And also, probably start peeking at Craigslist for apartment listings. One thing I might ask my landlord, (if it comes to it), is if I see a good listing that I like that is for before our lease is up, can I break the lease to grab it? (This of course assuming that it has already been decided that we'll have to leave.) Considering that my landlord is being super nice about this whole thing, I'd hope she'd be cool with it.
She did also offer that if I knew of anyone looking to buy, to let her know, and if she sold to them I could have a commission. So....anyone looking for a condo in Medford?
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