Bitches, man. Bitches.
Is it coincidence that the two hurricanes that have/are going to kick our ass are both named for women? Hmmm...? Yes, probably.
Let's see.
First Katrina came in. Destroyed New Orleans. Displaced thousands upon thousands of people. Killed at least 1,000 people, as of this morning. And wreaked havoc on oil and gas prices all around the country. About the worst it got around here, that I personally saw was probably around $3.50. I'm sure it was higher around the area, but that's what I saw driving (or walking) by some gas stations in my area. Some gas stations closed temporarily, because it was cheaper for them to not sell any gas. Fucked up. And it worse in other areas of the country.
Now, here comes Rita. Heading straight for Texas. Where many of our countries refineries are. You know, where dead dinosaur becomes vroom-vroom make-car-go stuff. Yep, Rita. Currently a category 5 hurricane. (Wasn't Katrina only a category 4 when she hit?). Heading to Texas. Refineries. What am I getting at? Oh, I don't know. Just that article I read yesterday that specualted that because of this, gas prices could jump up to the between $4 and $5 mark next week.
Gas 'em up now, kids. Just in case.
And of course, there's more.
Winter's coming. Heating oil season. Also predicted to go through the roof.
(Maybe those terrorist fucktards were right when they claimed that Katrina was a little gift from Allah to the great Satan. Even money says they claim responsibilty for Rita, as well.)
Of course a lot of this is still just speculation, and of course no news sells as well as bad news. But it's sobering to think about. Well, it would be sobering if I were drunk. Which I'm not. Actually, if I was, I probably wouldn't be able to read these depressing news stories anyway. Hmm? Liquid ignorance is bliss! And eventually piss.
At any rate, it should be an interesting winter.
Which I am not looking forward to, by the way.
Katrina was a category 5 briefly off the coast of New Orleans and then went back down to a 4 right before it hit.
I can't believe what has happened to the gas prices since I left. I am really glad I'm not going to be there this winter. Heating the house in Braintree was expensive even before all this crap! I don't envy ya'all. Hopefully the prices will drop by the time I get back in 10 months. Fat chance!
Well I've always wanted to buy a hybrid car. What better time than now?
The speculators say that if the refineries avoid major damage from Rita, the oil supply should normalize in early Nov. Will the prices normalize?
Let's remember that Joe Fucko pays about $30 per gallon for starbucks coffee. Will he really be affected if the prices don't return to pre-Katrina prices?
Sure am glad I switched from an economy car to a full sized pickup this spring.
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