Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm jealous

Two bits of background.

1) In the course of working on a work related issue, it came up that a study was done (either by the 'B or the insurance industry) that something like 90% of people tended to live in the same basic area where they were born. Meaning that they might move a state or two away, but tended to remain in the same general area of the country.

2) A friend of mine is moving to Savannah in a couple of days. Well, maybe "friend" is a strong word. Friend of a friend, acquanitance, these work better. But still, I read her blog occasionally when I'm bored at work and think to check it. In the years I've known her I believe (if I'm remembering correctly) she's lived in Boston (twice), New York City, New Jersey, and soon Georgia.

I envy that kind of mindset that allows people to do that. Although I think a lot about moving, whether I'll actually do it is continuously in doubt. I tend to always feel tied down by having family, friends, and interests in this area. And the big one: a job. The biggest question always in the back of my mind concerns if I were to move somewhere, what if I couldn't find a job? How would I live? Oh, I'm sure I could, I'd get by. But when you reach a certain level of comfort, a certain level of paycheck, a certain level being able to do (for the most part) what you want to, you don't want to give that up. Or at least, I don't.

That's why I envy people that can just move about when they feel the need/desire. To some extent it is somewhat rootless, in that what there is to keep you in one place is obviously less of a factor than the reasons to go somewhere else. That'd be tough, I'm sure. But on the flip side, I think the experience of trying out different places, different areas, and the differing cultures/mindsets/environments that are available even within our own country (never mind others) is very cool. In theory.

Now, this may come across as a broken record "I should really leave" thought from me. God knows I've said (and blogged) it enough, but honestly I'm not even really in that place right now. I'm kind of digging this area at this point. I do like Boston. I have a good place to live, cool roommate, my job has been somewhat more interesting as of late, got a band in the works, winter hasn't sucked (yet). I'm pretty mellow on the moving thing right now. Of course, I know me, that could change in an instant. (That instant being the first real snowstorm, I bet.)

No, this blog is really just more about the fact that I envy people that can do that. I envy that mindset.
In a semi related note, in the past few years I've visited most of the places I'd consider moving to, to various results. There's one real consideration left on the current list: Portland. And lo and behold, there was actually a good airfare out there for March. I may have to go check it out. And besides, I can visit my friend Sada out there and hopefully see her sing "Hot Blooded" at kareoke.


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