Getting awesome....
What's the true sign of the coming holidays? No, not Christmas decorations and commercials appearing the day after Halloween. Not the cold and snow flurries we have this morning. Not the appearance of Sam Adams Winter Larger and Harpoon Winter Warmer.
No, the true sign of the impending holidays, the true marker that the holiday season has started? The James Bond marathons. Every year at this time. 3 days of Bond. 5 days of Bond. A Bond movie every night for 3 weeks. Happens like clockwork. Tis the season for Connery, Moore, Lazenby, Dalton, and Brosnan.
What a difference a day and not getting locked out of your apartment makes. I got awesome with the recording last night. Three guitar tracks down in a few hours, including a one taker on a short slide solo. For those that don't know, nailing something in one take (at least for me) is the equivalent of hitting a hole in one, or...or having a girl not throw up when she sees me. So, good times. Probably three more tracks to go. Which does make six guitar tracks for what's supposed to be a "simple", "rough" demo. But I'm sure not all of the tracks will make it on. I just want to have a full range of options when it gets mixed down. Sort of like how filmakers will shoot far more film than they need, and cut it down in the editing room.
I'm also in one of those periods that I have every now and then where I'm having those weird and memorable dreams.
Last night it was me escaping with a few people from a huge battle in a space shuttle. One that I really had no idea how to fly, but managed to anyway. I was flying around picking up my friends and trying to get us the hell out of there.
Two nights ago there were two. One was me and my family in Disneyworld. Except it was really ghetto and half in the woods. Like if you crossed Disneyworld with King Richard's Faire, with a sprinkling of the Topsfield Fair. Except that there was this really exceptional two story ice cream shop, complete with slides from the second floor to the first. I got ice cream, but unfortunately my pants were too sticky and couldn't really get the full benefit of the slide.
The other was I was part of the ruling elite of some vampires. Kick ass, huh? Well, except the fact that we were being hunted to extinction by humans. Whoops.
Yep, nights like these, where the subconcious is apparently cleaning house, I just can't wait to get back to sleep and see what happens next.
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