Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Uninspired. I hate this feeling.

When I pick up the guitar and proceed to hold it for a while. Not playing anything of any importance. A chord here. A lick there. My mind is blank, my fingers still.

I hate being uninspired. Those times when I pick up and hold the guitar because it's comfortable, not because I really plan to do anything with it.

I know me, and I know the cycles I go through. This is the down part of it. It happens. More than I'd like, but it's all part of the routine. I know eventually I'll swing back towards the high. That time when everything sounds like gold, and I'm practically choking on ideas.

But until then, I feel crappy and pointless.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger Eric O. said...

I know the feeling Bro.

The times you feel uninspired on the guitar are the perfect time to play around on the bass or drum machine (if you still have them). Nothing like a change or scenery to fuel creativity.


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